A Going Ministry! Growing Young Disciples!
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
The Student Ministry of Redbud Baptist Church exists to:
MAKE Young Disciples
MATURE Young Disciples
MOBILIZE Young Disciples
Simply put, Redbud Student Ministry’s (RSM) efforts are to help each and every young person grow personally and spiritually. We are devoted to equipping teens to live for Jesus.
RSM “Makes Young Disciples” by making every effort in the community to reach out to the youth with the love of God as revealed to us in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit and teaching them through Bible study and other events about how Jesus came to save a lost world. RSM is designed to help spiritually train and equip teens in a fun and Godly atmosphere to the Glory of God. While doing this we also enjoy fun, faith, and friends, usually with a little food added to keep our engines going!
RSM “Matures Young Disciples” by helping them to seek how youth share their gifts, grow in life skills, develop a positive self-image, overcome prejudices, develop respect for differences, serve those in need, develop a personal spirituality and prayer lives, grow in their faith and apply it to their daily life, integrate Christian values, participate in the Church, and develop a personal longstanding relationship with Jesus. RSM allows both junior high and high school students to grow as individuals while exploring ideas, values, and faith within the context of a supportive discipleship and fellowship of peers and adults.
RSM “Mobilizes Young Disciples.” by working to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person and seeking to draw young people into responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the faith community. Whether they are on a mission trip, going to camp, helping with Vacation Bible School or helping across Lubbock, RSM is a Going Ministry, Growing young disciples!
MAKE Young Disciples
MATURE Young Disciples
MOBILIZE Young Disciples
Simply put, Redbud Student Ministry’s (RSM) efforts are to help each and every young person grow personally and spiritually. We are devoted to equipping teens to live for Jesus.
RSM “Makes Young Disciples” by making every effort in the community to reach out to the youth with the love of God as revealed to us in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit and teaching them through Bible study and other events about how Jesus came to save a lost world. RSM is designed to help spiritually train and equip teens in a fun and Godly atmosphere to the Glory of God. While doing this we also enjoy fun, faith, and friends, usually with a little food added to keep our engines going!
RSM “Matures Young Disciples” by helping them to seek how youth share their gifts, grow in life skills, develop a positive self-image, overcome prejudices, develop respect for differences, serve those in need, develop a personal spirituality and prayer lives, grow in their faith and apply it to their daily life, integrate Christian values, participate in the Church, and develop a personal longstanding relationship with Jesus. RSM allows both junior high and high school students to grow as individuals while exploring ideas, values, and faith within the context of a supportive discipleship and fellowship of peers and adults.
RSM “Mobilizes Young Disciples.” by working to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person and seeking to draw young people into responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the faith community. Whether they are on a mission trip, going to camp, helping with Vacation Bible School or helping across Lubbock, RSM is a Going Ministry, Growing young disciples!

Sunday Mornings & Wednesday Evenings
Sunday Mornings
Wednesday Evenings
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