God Owns it All, Give Him Honor & Praise
Sep 4, 2022 • Pastor Carlos Hinojos
I. Give honor and praise to God because He is the owner of everything.
1. God’s greatness is exalted (vs. 11)
2. God’s ownership is proclaimed (vs. 12-13)
3. Human weakness is acknowledged (vs. 14-15)
4. Everything belongs to God alone is declared (vs. 14b,16)
5. Worship occurs when we give to God (vs. 17-19)
II. Lead others to honor God in the same way you are honoring God. (vs. 1-9)
1. Give generously (vs. 1-5)
2. Challenge and inspire others. (v. 5)
3. Generosity inspires generosity. (vs. 6-9; vs. 20-25)